Now the terminal itself is located
somewhere in Rows Wharf. It is actually difficult to explain where it is, so
please bear with me. There are little walkways between the Imax Theatre and the
Aquarium. You walk along the docks weaving between buildings, restaurants, and
hotels. You will then see a few ships kind of just chilling there in the water
(it is winter after all, and I don’t think they run as frequently, but you
would have to check for more accurate information). There is lettering on the
side of the building saying “Ferry Terminal” with a whole bunch of advertising.
I thought, “great, this is exactly where I am going to go and take a shit. This
is indeed secret.”
Now being the nice guy that I am, I
always like to ask people if I can shit in their establishment (this keeps my
cover). When I walked into the Ferry Terminal, I saw three counters, with
exactly zero employees. It was only a hunch that there might be a bathroom in
here, so now I am stumped as to what to do. But lo and behold, I look up and
pointing down a little hallway is a sign for the restroom. Now I should point
out that when I walked down this hallway, on the right hand side was a door
leading outside again. On the outside of the door was a sign that said; “Restrooms”.
So I didn’t even need to walk into the ferry terminal to ask, I could have just
walked into this door and used them. Well this is why I write, so you don’t make
the same mistakes as I do.
So I walked down another small
hallway and I immediately go and survey the restroom. It is of a medium size,
with one urinal, and one handicap stall. The overall inspection yields the
results that this place is very clean, probably because nobody knows it’s
The handicap stall is outfitted with
a double coat hook. The hooks themselves are fairly tiny, but they are sturdy. They
had more than enough size to hold my coat and bag. Now came the time to sit on
the toilet and actually shit. I will say, not a single soul walked into this
bathroom. About midway through my poop I actually thought I was trespassing to
be honest. But then I remembered that there was a sign displayed to the public.
This stall was a dream to shit in! it was large and roomy, more than enough
room to feel comfortable. The toilet itself was in the corner, while the door
was on the left hand side towards the opposite wall. I really like this stall
setup. No one can peer through the little slits in the door to peep you while
you poop. All they have is a locked door to look at.
Now with all of that said, the décor
of the place was abysmal. It was so generic, that the word generic, would call
it generic. Small beige and white tiles lined the walls, while the same equally
small tiles lined the floor, except they were grey in color. If you are looking
for a designer shitter, this definitely isn’t it. This shitter has a very
utilitarian feel. Again this is a ferry terminal after all.
Now with my shit today being swift
and mighty, it ended almost as quickly as it began. This place had a one toilet
paper roll holder. This could pose a problem if it were busier, but for right
now it was fine. My only complaint was that the toilet paper was too high in
the holder. It took about twenty seconds or so for me to fish it out, so I wasn’t
able to get a good look at it as I was shitting. Now when I finally did pull
the toilet paper down, I was shocked that it was two ply. It did feel a little
thin for a two ply, but it had little ridges in it on one side of the toilet
paper. I would imagine that would take care of the clumps in your bottom. The toilet
paper felt below average to average at best. It didn’t hurt my ass, nor did it
feel great. After using the manual flusher I made my way over to wash my hands.
The water was automatic, but the soap dispenser was manual. There was only one
option to dry your hands, which was paper towels. Like the toilet paper, it had
been so filled and underused that it was kind of hard to fetch them out.
So now that you know about this
spot, let’s get into The Secret Shitter’s Review.
Business: 0
Number of
Stalls: 1
Comfort: 4
Décor: 2.5
Toilet Paper
Quality: 3
Rating: 4
Well this shitter is definitely above
average. It is secluded which is both good and bad. It is almost too secluded
for its’ own good. It is accessible to the public on a public walkway, but the
sign is a tad hard to read. The only way to really tell that the bathrooms here
exist is by reading a small four inch sign on the door. After reading this you
could just look for the ferry terminal sign and just go to the right side door,
but if you were out and about with a level five alarm going off in your colon
then you might not be in the right mind to look for little details like this. The
only upside is that the place is a virtual ghost-town in the winter! Not even
the employees were there. But I did see ships that had “Logan Airport Shuttle”
and “Boston Harbor Islands Ferry” written on the side of them, so that might be
a different story in warmer weather. But for right now you are pretty much on
your own when it comes to shitting in there. This is an average shitter at best
if it were located anywhere else. What makes this bathroom so good is its’
location and seclusion. The décor is subpar, and the toilet paper is average. If
there were a bunch of tourists waiting to go to the islands, then this bathroom
could get bad really quickly. Quite frankly I don’t think this is the case even
in warmer weather though. I know it is just speculation, but I think that most
of the ships that go out to the harbor islands leave from the Aquarium. I could
be wrong on that though. Either way if you are caught in the no-mans-land
between South Station, and the Aquarium, this is a more than adequate place to
leave your little brown nuggets behind.
Great so now
that we got through the review, now it is time for shameless plug time! You know
we have a book right? It is called; The
Secret Shitter’s Guide to Boston Volume 1 and you can get it here on Amazon
(it comes with free Prime Shipping). We are also working on the follow up to
our first book which will be called; The
Secret Shitter’s Guide to Boston Volume 2: Electric Poogaloo. Any sales
from the first two books will be directly used to send me to a new location!
Which city would you like to see me shit in next? Tell me via our Facebook
Page, Twitter Page, or email us at; Secret.Shitter617@gmail.com.
Until Next
time, Peace.
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