So today
we are traveling to the sort-of new retail megastructure in Downtown Boston,
Primark. Primark is relatively new European clothing retailer. Decent quality
stuff for pretty cheap. I personally like European-style cloths, I think they
fit me better. It probably has something to do with the fact that not everyone
in Europe is a thick like us. I wish I was of a bigger build so that it wouldn’t
be so hard for me to find cloths that fit me. But that is not the point of this,
we need to get to what really matters, the bathroom.

Now once you make it up to the
fourth floor, there are signs that point you to the bathroom. Although they are
very hard to follow. The whole store is confusing like that. But a good way to
find the bathroom is to look where the employee break room is. It is down that
hall that you can find the bathroom. Great so you found where you are going,
and you walk down the hall and what do you find? A single door, that houses one
bathroom. It is multi-gendered, so there are no men’s or woman’s restroom here,
just one shared bathroom. Considering the size of the store, I thought maybe I
got lost or something and found the employee bathroom. But after reassurance
from a Primark employee, I indeed found the bathroom. Well this is going to be
I don’t even know what came over me
to go through with this review. I could see the single file line gathering
behind me, and I knew I was going in there to see what brown could do for me.
So after what seemed like forever, it was finally my turn! I felt like a
benchwarmer who the coach finally called in to play at the big game.
I opened the door and what did I
see? I saw a single solitary toilet in the far left corner. Now I got to say
that this bathroom was massive! I mean you could have totally fit like two or
three toilets in here, there is no need to have just one solitary toilet in
this bathroom. Hell you could have cut it up into two bathrooms and maybe alleviated
some of the bathroom lines, but then again, maybe that is how they do it in
So I looked around for a coat hook,
and found none. Well no worries, this bathroom is so large it does not really
matter. You can stick your stuff on one side and they will be out of the way of
any poo-water.
So as I laid my booty down on the
toilet, I started with the dirty deed of flushing out my colon. It could not
have been thirty seconds into my poop before someone started knocking on the
door. I had a feeling this would be a running theme. Sure enough just about
every minute or so, there would be a knock at the door. Now I could have been
in this bathroom for about four minutes’ tops. I must have spent a solid minute
wiping my ass, and not to gross you out or anything but it was akin to wiping a
wet marker. Try as I might, I just could not rid my anus of my poo-remnants.
So in the process of all of this, I kept
hearing these weird gurgling sounds coming from the pipes of the toilet. I
thought it was kind of odd at first and I thought maybe there was another
toilet located close by, but sure enough it was coming from this very toilet. I
was starting to panic in here. Not only was the toilet making weird noises, but
the shitty one-ply toilet paper was ripping me a new one. To make matters
worse, my asshole refused to dry up. I thought I was going to run out of toilet
paper, but thankfully I got rid of this awful duce-residue.
As you can imagine, the knocks at
the door got louder and more frequent. I even had what appeared to be an
employee ask me if everything was alright. I assured him that I was almost
done, but my asshole was like a wet marker so I would need an additional thirty
seconds. I do not know how that employee took it, and I have to come to terms
with the fact that I could never see his reaction.
Now that I was done I went over to
the manual sink and washed my hands up. Lo and behold right next to the sink
was the cream of the crop, the Dyson Airblade. I took great joy in running my
hands up and down the inside of this futuristic air dryer while the sounds of
knocking grew louder and louder. I gathered up my bag and I headed out, only to
see the line grew three times its’ size since before I got in there. I hope the
stink didn’t offend anyone… Who am I kidding? I hope I gagged that bitchy lady
who gave me the stink eye as I walked proudly out of that bathroom. Nobody
fucks with my shit-time, and I mean nobody.
So now that I was done doing what I
do, much to the horror of everyone standing in line, it is time to get to The
Secret Shitter’s Five Star Review.
Number of
Stalls: 1
Comfort: 3
Toilet Paper
Quality: 2
Décor: 1
Busyness: 5
Rating: 1
This bathroom is just as bad as the
one-star rating indicates. I don’t know what is worse, having a drab all white
design, or having fifty people knocking on the door while I am trying to take a
dump. I get it that this is a shared bathroom, but you would think with a store
of this size there would be two separate bathrooms for men and women to alleviate
the strain on the line. I am not even sure if the employees have a separate bathroom
to be honest. It looks like they put no effort into the design and placement of
this bathroom. It almost feels like they went “oops, I guess we need to put one
in here”. With four floors of retail space, that means it can hold quite a bit
of people inside. When there are that many people sharing one bathroom, bad
things are bound to happen. Shame on you Primark! I like your cheap clothing
options, but your bathroom situation would offend Satan himself. This is
absolutely the worse bathroom I have encountered outside of The Walgreens on
School Street. Hell even Faneuil Hall’s hanging-on-for-dear-life door beats
this bathroom. I have a feeling I would have had a better shitting experience
if I had asked to use one of the Port-a-Pottys in the construction site next
door. I would have at least been able to shit in peace.
Now that you know about my
experience, why don’t you tell me about some of your own in the comment section
below. While you are at it, why not purchase our book, The Secret Shitter’s Guide
to Boston Volume 1 on Amazon and keep it in your purse or bag and never fear
shitting again. Until next time, Peace.
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