Exterior Shot, Photo: Secret Shitter |
Now with all this said and done it is time to
get down to the brown business of sorts. The Secret Shitter spares
no one when it comes to my pooping
follies, and why would Quincy Market be any different? So
how exactly does one get to this place? Well you have to be on the right side
of the building. It is the same side where the Urban Outfitters is located. Now they are doing some work on the
building so the traditional way to get to the shitters is blocked off. You have
to enter in the door by the Wangamama
Noodle place. You turn to your right, keeping the push carts on your left, and
walk straight down until you can walk any more. You will see an illuminated
sign that points down the short flight of stairs that says “bathrooms”.
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Door you need to enter, photo: Secret Shitter |
thankfully I went a little later in the night. It is not unusual to have to
wait in line to use the bathroom here. This place is jam-packed with people and
it reflects in the number of toilets they have on premise. This place has a
total number of four stall to choose from. Three of which are regular, and the
other one is a handicap stall. I shat here on two different occasions and used
both; the handicap stall, and one of the regular ones. This particular article
doesn’t really make a difference which stall you use because the outcome will
remain the same except the handicap stall has more legroom.
of the first things I noticed after getting into the bathroom was the
overpowering smell of piss. It was like someone just whipped out their Willy
and decided to mark the entire bathroom as their territory. Now I don’t think
it was just someone pissing all over the stalls, this bathroom also has like
ten urinals inside, so that is a lot of people taking a piss.
I sat down there I couldn’t help but feel like a countdown clock had been
started. This bathroom is busy at all hours of the day and night. There is a
constant sound of the air dryers going off. I used this to my advantage by
having the air dryer mask the sounds of my meaty shit. This particular day I demolished the toilet, I am sure my
father is looking down on me with his heart bursting with pride. So as I said I
felt like the countdown clock had been started. This is because I got at least
four knocks at the door by people looking to use the shitter. If you cannot
poop under pressure and get nervous when others are nearby, I would suggest
finding a more secluded spot to take your dump.
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Leftover TP, Photo: Secret Shitter |
décor in here was really nothing to write home about. Actually it was rather
bland. It did look decent as a bathroom could be but there seemed to be no
ambition on the part of the designers. The walls were white. They were also
tiled. The floor was green with what looked like black speckled pebbles
intertwined in the tile design. I liked it to be honest, but I have a trained
eye. If you were to just walk in here and pee or shit quickly than the floor
would appear to be a dark green. The stall dividers were of the customary
silver plated variety. Again this bathroom is more for convenience than for
for how busy this bathroom was, it was very well maintained all things
considered. There were wet spots blotted all over the floor but I was expecting
that and wasn’t too shocked to find them. All the toilet paper rolls were
filled and looked well maintained. Nothing in this bathroom seemed to be out of
order. However I did overhear someone talking to themselves in the adjacent
stall saying, “how the hell did they get this much piss all over the place”? So
take my word here with a grain of salt. There are a number of different stalls,
and I might have just been lucky on this day.
with a bathroom that goes through this many people one would think that they would
have one of those sandpaper-esq toilet papers. I am proud to report to you that
this place had average quality two ply toilet paper. It definitely is not going
to win them any awards, but it is not the worst that has touched my bum.
the majority of the review all wrapped up, I guess it is that time again for The
Secret Shitter’s Five Star Review. Now remember that this system is out
of a possible five (5) stars.
Number of Stalls: 4
Toilet Paper Quality: 3
Stall Comfort: 1
Busyness: 5
Décor: 2
Cleanliness: 3
Accessibility: 3
Overall Rating: 2
Market scored a two on the Secret Shitter’s Review. There
are a few reasons for and against giving it this low of a score. But it is my
blog and I make the rules, so that is my story and I am sticking to it. See I like
to find stalls that are out of the way. I liken it to an adventure, if you
will. Now I knew walking in here that I wasn’t going to score it very high. I
had used this bathroom hundreds of times on my walks to Aquarium MBTA Station when I used to drink. It is convenient and it
is open for a good chunk of the day, and nobody is going to give you shit for
using it. However, this bathrooms’ busyness factor is the sole reason it scored
so low; if the number of stalls wasn’t any indication. Now I really could give
a shit less whether or not the bathroom is busy. If I got to go, I got to go. But
man, was this bathroom off the chain. There were people changing in there, and
to top it off I got the door knocked on at least four times. That has to be
some kind of record. Now remember this bathroom had three additional stalls,
and I was still having my door knocked on several times. I don’t know if it was
junkies, or homeless people (who were changing in the bathroom) but people,
give me a fucking break! I am trying to take a shit here, and I am not going to
hurry my experience when I have important reporter stuff to do! That is why
this bathroom scored so low. Now, if I were a power-dumper, than this place would be perfect for me. But I like
to savor the flavors in life and take my time doing so. Plus it always wigs me
out when people start knocking on the door. I feel almost scared in a way. I
mean all there is blocking them from coming in is a hallow piece of aluminum,
which could easily be kicked in. If I were a thieve, I would be robbing people
blind while they had their pants around their ankles. What the hell are you
going to do, stand up and fight with your pants around your ankle and your dick
blowing in the wind? Well yeah, I totally got off topic there, but you get my
point nonetheless. So if you are looking for a place to take a quick piss, this
bathroom is awesome, but if you are looking to take a dump, and it turns out
you might be a while. Than I would really consider finding a different
bathroom, however in times of need, this is a perfectly serviceable place to lay down your brown seed. Alright people
thanks for reading and remember that your shit time is your time, and don’t
compromise it for anyone!
Yup it is that time again for me to
shamelessly self promote our social media outlets.
Twitter: @Secret_Shitter
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thesecretshitter
As always you can email my dumb ass
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